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Friday, January 20, 2012


Assalamualaikum,hye guys!!! watssup!! Yup it's me,IM BACK! it's been a while now
since i haven't update my blog...
Anyways guys miss me? hehek,miss u guys too
btw,as u can see my alignment is change
since everybody use this style
so i said:Well,let's try somthing new....
so hope u guys like it and ermm yeah hope u guys like it...

Btw, changin my blog song....AGAIN!
but hye,i love music,imma big fan of music so who cares 
So for today im gonna be talking bout Chances...hmm so wht is chances?
Chances is something that give us opportunities to do something that
we like or do something for someone else or anything
and yes,people always have been given chances such as Second Chance
but sometimes,Chances were use in bad way,such as:
chances of stealing,killing n so on...
sometimes,Chances were use in good way,such as:
chances to make things rite,chances to forgive,chances of changing
and a lot more..
For relationships,especially,chances are something that gives one another 
opportunities to make things come to reality or chances to meet someone
an easy example is couple n marriage...
and to achieve that,we must have chance n also FAITH...
So to all singles out there(like me) it's ok dudes,there's might be Chances
 around for guys to search for a true companion of life...companion
that stays with u till the end for time...(another 'c') 

I know rite,this time entry is a bit...well,cheesy i guess?
but this is on wht inside my mind so wht's urs?

I know rite the song pretty nice rite? It's from JR Aquino
u guys can search in youtube and the song named
"By Chance(You and I)"
go search for it,and i wish,i had a CHANCE to sing this song
to my beautiful...(but im still solo T^T)

So see u guys in the next entry! See ya!

Yours Truly,
Neon D....